Published by: Digital Schools

Colour Me A Collage

Making a collage is so much fun to do, and it is good for the mind, art stimulates your senses, emotions and your brain.


The art of collage began as early as 200 BC around the time paper was invented in China. Collage means to glue, and most Collage involves a range of textiles, paper, and textures cut and stuck together to make a picture.

In the early 20th century two very famous artists Pablo Picasso and George Braque began the practice of making a collage as a way to explore abstract ideas on relative time and space. It was part of their very own art movement called Cubism. Cubism looked at how and why reality is the way it is and challenged how we perceive it.

Collage is the hallmark of the abstract and modern art movement and was a feature of Picasso and Braques’ cubist works. Collage from the early 20th century explores symbolism, colour, ideas on how the universe works and human perceptions.

By Emily Rack



Make My Collage

Enjoy making your very own Just Breathe Kids Creative Collage! You can try the designs below or come up with your own creative and fun ideas. Try adding in some paint strokes or using textas to make your design unique to you. Attached are the examples of collage you can create. In your kit, you have everything you need to create your very own collage. Just cut out the pictures and use the backgrounds and textures to make shapes and fun backdrops to your artwork.

What You Need

  • scissors
  • glue
  • coloured paper
  • paintbrush
  • acrylic paint
  • textas or coloured markers

Guest Contributor: Emily Rack
Business Name: Horatio’s Jar
Publisher: Digital Schools

Emily Rack is a yoga teacher, meditation instructor, freelance writer and visual content creator. She incorporates a unique creative flair into her yoga and meditation classes, courses and workshops.