Principal’s Welcome
Michelle Verna – Principal of St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School
Welcome To St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School
From the moment your child is enrolled at St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School, every member of my team will work in partnership with you towards the best development of your child.
We acknowledge the fact that the parents are the first educators of their children and we are delighted to be able to assist you in this God given task. By word, action and the example of our own lives, the staff of St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School strives daily to provide a comprehensive and excellent education that lays the best possible foundation for the future educational endeavours of our students.
St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School is an essential part of the active community of the Parish of St Gregory the Great. We encourage all parents to be active members of St Gregory the Great Parish and to receive from the richness of belonging to this wonderful community.
At St Gregory the Great Catholic Primary School, we offer a broad balanced curriculum, which enables your children to grow intellectually, emotionally and socially. Our academic results, our sporting achievements and the quality of our graduates demonstrate that your child will grow in an environment of the highest quality at St Gregory’s.
We are ready to welcome you and your child into the St Gregory’s family.
Warm regards,
Michelle Verna

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